Court register entry of the debenture bond of the land elders of Lublin

Court register entry of the debenture bond of the land elders of LublinThe land elders of Lublin: Awigdor Mortkowicz from Kraśnik, Józef Aleksandrowicz, the rabbi of Opole and Michel Abramowicz from Janowiec issue an in Blanco debenture bond for the sum of 900 złp contracted for wiederkauf with an annual commission of 8% payable from October 1728, by the communities of the Jewish self-government of Lublin on the basis of the orders of payment issued for them.
Archive: The State Archive in Lublin
Fond: Lublin castle court files (Księgi grodzkie lubelskie)
Reference Number: APL CLRMO 377, s. 1001rv, APL CLRMO 379, s. 611rv
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 1728
Place of origin: Lublin
Geographical names: Janowiec, Krasnik, Lublin, Opole Lubelskie

Do oblaty 26 IV 1765 podał Herszek Szlomowicz Żyd lubelski syn zm. Szlomy Icka Kałmesa.  W CLRMO 379 podpisy hebrajskie.